Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 00:00:00 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Nemir - *&$%# !!!
From: nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)
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4. Warning: dэvushki shouldn't read this document.
5. Warning: persons less than 16 years old shouldn't read this document.
6. Author didn't mean to describe definite persons, but an abstract animal of Nemir.
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8. Nemir(tm) is a registered trademark of Tuxes(r) corporation.
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Всем животным, зоо-и некрофилам,
а также их шкафчикам посвящается...
I'll shit on you
I don't care who you are
I'll shit on you
I will shit
I'll shit on you
Girl you know
I'll shit on you
Bitch or man
I'll shit on you
I will shit
(EMINEM feat D12 - Shit on You)
Nemir the Gay Man.
Nemir (sivыy nemir, sn) is a dickless, motherfucking, dummy,
stupid asshole of unknown sex (probably, merin, who got a brain damage),
also known as dirty and shity bitch of a strip club, crazy enough to
eat bugs and cockroaches; an obsolete sucker, who got oral and tried to
shoot up his own fat, silicone ass with flak cannon; a homosexual with
lipstick, ear-rings and vaseline, pretending he's very attractive, who's
dick is shrunking smaller and smaller; a loudly sucking auto-pederast,
trying to make his dick stand up, until his system stops booting, fucking
himself so violently, that has torn his dick off with diesel-powered vibrator
and jumped from a tree with his motherfuckin balls tied to it and who stuck
nine inch nails through each one of his eyelids; a downy, fuckin' condom
with foolish, guilty conscienced, green brains, tested to comply with
FCC-15 rules; a MF'ing funky shit and suxxxxxxxxx, stupid tux, kissing
his pretty asshole and massaging it with his long, flavoured, electronically
tested tongue; merin, who gonna be fucked up in his asshole with a fir-tree
and then crumbled with a chain-saw (look out ; ), a failure, upset,
x-using lamer, who tries to make both his dick and system not to hang down
and trying to cum with reset button and so on...
(c) 2002 Tuxes Corporation. All rights reserved.
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